
Nyt Syn

Nyt Syn is one of Denmark’s leading optician chains.

It consists of members all over Denmark and one of the chain’s key values is to support the local business community.

The local Nyt Syn optician owns their store 100%. Together, the stores jointly own NYT SYN DK, which is responsible for marketing, financial management, and competence development. Our partners are the largest and best quality suppliers in the industry. Together we are your guarantor of a perfect product.

Nyt Syn Dk is a member of NVR, Nordic Vision Retail, which has a total of about 430 stores. Together, we get the best conditions for our members and good marketing power.

Nyt Syn – we are here for you. Our precision is your strength.

Nyt Syn

Søren Pedersen
0045 30783067


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